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John Bamford Primary

Meet The Governors

Governors provide their time to help the school on a voluntary basis and come from a range of different backgrounds. There are a variety of different roles within the governing body but ultimately it involves working with the head teacher and senior leadership team to make sure our pupils receive the best possible education.

The governors at John Bamford are a mixture of elected and appointed individuals. All governors, regardless of elected or appointed status are recruited on their skills, knowledge and experience to build a balanced governing board to provide support and challenge to the school leadership. All governors attend all meetings which cover standards, finance and premises, health and safety and personnel.

We support the head teacher and the dedicated team of staff, but also we will challenge, where necessary. Our role differs from that of the head teacher, the Governing board has a strategic role and sets policy, whereas the head teacher has an operational role and is responsible for delivery of the policies which have been agreed. Governor’s decisions are made following informed discussion, whereas the head teacher uses professional judgement.

Governors welcome feedback from the whole school community and we want you to tell us what you think about how we are doing. If you have any comments you wish to make about our school, any of the governors would be happy to hear from you.

If, however, you have a concern about the school then talk to one of the governors. If you want to make a complaint about an issue at the school then you need to speak to the head teacher, if you are still not satisfied then the matter can be raised with the Chair of Governors.


Register of Interest 2024 

Governors Attendance September 2022 - July 2023 

Governors Impact Statement September 2022 - July 2023 

 Our Governing Board

Mrs. K. Bryan - Chair of the Governing Board (Co-opted Governor)

Mrs. E. Austin - Co Vice Chair of the Governing Board (Co-opted Governor)

Mrs J. Dalby Co Vice Chair of the Governing Board (Co-opted Governor)

Miss. F.Bracebridge (Staff Governor)

Mr K. Bullock (Co-opted Governor)

Mrs. C. Killick (Parent Governor)

Mrs. A. Munnelly (LA Governor)

Mrs. G. Gittins (Parent Governor)

Mrs. L. Ferguson - (Headteacher)

Mrs. L. Foxall - Director of Business and Finance (Invited Observer) 

Ms. K. Wall - Deputy Headteacher (Invited Observer)

Mrs. Y. Hodgkiss - Clerk

 Governors Contact - Governors@johnbamford.staffs.sch.uk 


Governor Attendance September 2022 - July 2023

Governor Attendance September 2021 - July 2022

Governor Impact Statement September 2022 - July 2023

Governor Impact Statement September 2021 - July 2022

Governor Impact Statement September 2020 - July 2021

Register of Interest 2021

Register of Interest 2022

Register of Interest 2023