Forest School
What Is Forest School?
Forest School originated in Scandinavia in the 1950s as a way of learning about the natural world. By the 1980s they had become an integral part of the Danish early years programme.
A Forest School is a secure area of woodland which acts as a classroom where children can explore, investigate and discover the natural environment. An inspirational process that offers children regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence whilst building self-esteem through a hands on learning experience in a woodland environment.
‘The best classroom and the richest cupboard are roofed only by the sky’
- Margaret McMillian
The John Bamford Forest School
Forest School provides a safe and natural environment for children to develop social skills, self-esteem, physical ability, independence and enhance their knowledge of nature. It fosters children’s curiosity and motivation to learn and explore. Through hands-on experiences, the children learn to respect themselves, each other and the natural environment.
Children learn through new experiences and develop skills during carefully planned activities. Through weekly Forest School sessions, the children enjoy den building, camp fires, tool use, natural art and have a collective responsibility for our environment and the local community.
Forest School takes place all year round. There is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing! Sessions are led by fully qualified Level 3 Practitioners: Mrs Walker, Mrs Pierzak and Mrs Scrivens.