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John Bamford Primary


The following link takes you straight to Staffordshire Country Council's Admissions Information webpage. This provides an explanation of the process to be followed if you would like to apply for your child to attend The John Bamford Primary School.  You can also contact our school office on 01889 228689 for further information.

Staffordshire County Council Admissions Information


Nursery applications must now be made directly to the school and NOT via the Local Authority.  The application process is now open.

Completed application forms should be handed in to the school office.

At The John Bamford Primary School we offer personal visits with the Headteacher to enable our prospective parents to ask as many questions as is needed in order for you to gain a wealth of information about our school. We like to offer these during the school day when our children are present to enable you to see our setting in action, meet with staff and get a really good feel for our school, however if you are unable to attend during the day, we are more than happy to show you around the school during the evenings.

Please feel free to call or drop in to our school office should you require any support in completing this, we can provide assistance and internet access for you.